Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Funny little girl

Ava has become obsessed with babies and is constantly dragging one around with her... So yesterday we went to the store to get a few things and pick up a prescription...of course Ava had to bring her baby along. While we were waiting in line to pay for our things Ava was having a major meltdown. Usually I am trying to calm her down and give her anything because I get so embarrassed, but I was just to the point where I didn't care anymore. Nothing I was doing would make her happy, so I was pretending like I couldn't hear her. A lady from the flower department came over and handed Ava a balloon and (I kid you not) she stopped crying the second it was in her hands. I was so grateful for the lady because I would've lost it if I had to endure any more. Well when we got home I had so much to unload from the car that I couldn't carry her in. I unloaded her with her baby and balloon, then set her down and began taking things into the house. I looked out the window from the front room as I placed the bags on the table and Ava looked so adorable that I had to take a picture! There she was, right where I left her. Crying and waiting for me to go bring her, balloon and all....Oh and did I mention it was raining? I love this girl!!!!


Pat said...

Amie that is adorable. I'm impressed that you kept it together and thought to take a picture. She's going to love that when she is older!

Dale and Tabitha said...

I am so GLAD you wrote. I have to say....I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. We need to get together as soon as possible and catch up. Call me. Here is my email