Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tiniest artist...

Today was one of those days where Ava caught us totally by surprise. We had been out playing with Mayah's friends and Rhet, our puppy. I turned around to see Ava sitting quietly on the porch, drawing on the blackboard! I told Clint to hurry and get it on camera, so here it is. Honestly, what kid do you know at 11 months that gets the concept of holding chalk, not to eat, but to draw on a blackboard? I have no idea how long she's been doing this behind our back, when she's up in Mayah's room playing...but we did notice a couple of months ago that she could use the chalk eraser and was constantly erasing Mayah's pictures--much to her chagrin. It's bad enough that she's walking all over, and stumbling we have to worry about her coloring on the walls.

So on top of all the other crazy things that happened today over the course of Mayah's birthday, we now have another young artist to applaud!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He would absolutely love it if you guys came!! When I find out for sure, I'll tell ya!