Friday, January 30, 2009

Mommy wow! I'm a big kid now!!!

We've had surprising breakthroughs with Ava's potty tendencies for the past couple of weeks.

I think this stems from her being a natural neat freak. Ava is always pointing out everyone and everything that is messy. She will keep saying "messy" until something is done about the mess. Pretty funny if you ask me. The first time she made a potty breakthrough, she came in after doing it in her diaper and goes, "I pooped...poopy." So I asked if she needed her diaper changed, and she replied, "yes, messy!" I chuckled and then changed her and figured if she was to the point of not wanting to sit in it, it was worth starting to try. The next day or so, she came to Clint and said, "poopy." He asked if she had pooped and she said no, so he thought maybe she needed to go and asked her. She responded, "yesss" so we took her in and sure enough she went like a big girl. She was so excited and dancing around at the time. We all cheered and she did NOT want to put a diaper back on. So we put her in Mayah's panties, which she loved even though they were too big. She wore them all over the house and didn't want to take them off. So the next day I went and bought some "big girl" pnties and thought I would officially start the potty training. We have also been unpacking and trying to get things set up in our house, so today was the first day that I actually kept her in panties for longer than an hour or so. Ava loves her chocolate... so I put a little peice of chocolate on the toilet and told her she gets the chocolate every time she tells mommy that she needs to go potty. It worked pretty good. Today she went poop 3 times and pee once.(Yes I literally change 3 poopy diapers a day)! The thing that surprises me the most though is that I thought kids usually pick up on going number one a lot easier than number two, but with Ava it is the other way around. But fine by me! I would be so grateful if I didn't have to change another one of her stinky diapers again. We are all so proud of Ava.

Here is Ava in her big girl panties:

Here is Ava flushing the toilet:

Here is Ava eating her chocolate and waving bye bye:

I think you can guess what this is. I couldn't resist. If Jon and Kate Plus Eight can take pictures of their kids' poop, then so can I!!!


Cindy said...

That little poo is so funny. You know me, little miss potty sense of humor. I am laughing my head off!

Jessica said...

Jackson loves kitkats, so every time he goes potty and his underwear is dry, he gets a kitkat (the small ones). Every time he goes and the undies are wet, he only gets five mini m&m's...I just wish he'd figure out #2 like Ava has.
Oh, and yes, Jackson is two and a half...I am lazy and hadn't worked very hard at PT until now.
If Jack did poo in the potty, I'd take a picture, too.