Sunday, September 28, 2008


We had our last summer trip of the year and went with Clint's parents to Des Moines--final destination?............ you guessed it! Adventureland! Think Disneyland, subtract Mickey and other characters, cut it down to about 1/30th the size and you have Adventureland. It was just the right size for our two girls...and it's only a 2 hour car ride away. Who needs Disneyland when you have such a great substitute?

Mayah was such a great sport this time. Always in the past, she would shy away from rides that seemed too scary. This time she was ready to try them all! Ava even joined in on some fun, trying to climb out of the top of the ferris wheel, riding in the hot air balloon ride, and doing a few with just Mayah. It was fun to see them having such a good time!

Here are some pictures from our trip. I hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Kris &Tiersa LeSueur said...

Looks like you guys have fun. Ava looks so much like you. I bet it is nice to have an older daughter to help you with your younger daughter. I can't believe you have a seven year old. CRAZY!!