Saturday, September 22, 2007

Journal entrees

I was always a very faithful journal writer back in my teenage years (much of the times that would be nice to forget). But as so many of the most important milestones in my life have past, I failed to document them. I received a journal from my mom when Mayah was born and had every intention of keep track of all her major events, but each time I sat down to write, I felt so overwhelmed with things to say that I always thought, "I will do this later when I have more time." And as many of you mothers know "more time" is hard to find. Now that Ava is here and starting to do all the fun things that babies do for the first time, such as roll over and laugh. My memory is not so good, and I have forgotten when Mayah first rolled over, or what first struck her as funny. These are things that you would think are so memorable that as a mother you could never forget.... I am hoping to use this blog as a sort of journal where I can start now to document my feelings and thoughts on the very exciting everyday things which both of my girls do to make my life so meaningful. And let's be honest, who doesn't like to read someone else's journal (Clint)?!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hi g'friend - long time no chat... you disappeared! Next thing I heard (through my mom) was you were in Nebraska and married! So I've been googling you for the last 2 years trying to find you and now I found you (hope you don't mind)!! The phone # I had for you doesn't work anymore and you don't respond to your brookeramos@gmail account (is it a hint I should get lost?).

Look at your beautiful family! You guys look so happy and healthy - I'm so happy for you. You especially sound and look really healthy and in a good place. Well I'd love to chat and catch up - maybe be penpals? Let me know. We miss you and Ms. Mayah. I can't believe how much she's grown and you're new one is gorgeous! Amie I miss you. Please write.
Talk to you soon.
Sarah Carter (ie. Preston)