Sunday, August 31, 2008

Our summer camping trip

It was the last summer weekend before school and we'd promised Mayah all year that we would go camping, fishing and the whole shebang! We figured we better not break that promise. We didn't really have any camping gear other than two sleeping bags and a lantern, so we went out the night before and bought a tent, another sleeping bag for Mayah, cooking pans and the food needed to make s'mores, pancakes, tin foil dinners, and all the camp-friendly snacks we could think of. We also got online, so Clint could get a fishing license and find a good campground.We decided to stay close to the city and ended up at a place called Two Rivers. After a 30 minute drive, we came to our destination, which was surprisingly clean, green and looked like fun. There were lakes for fishing, sandy beaches for swimming, playgrounds, and plenty of campgrounds. They also have this group of cabooses that have been decommissioned from the Union Pacific Railroad that people can rent and camp in. We found a spot close to the sandy beach and playground and got started setting up the tent.While it was really Mayah's camping trip, Ava had a blast. Both girls made friends on the playground and enjoyed the swings. They each got to eat a hot dog and make a s'more before bed. Mayah gave fishing a shot for one of her first times. Didn't catch any fish, but she got better at loading the bait (night crawlers) and casting.It was hilarious watching Ava roll around as we finally laid down for sleep. She was giggling and climbing all over us. It's the first time we've let her sleep right between us. After a while, she settled down and went right to sleep.In the morning, we made a pancake and egg breakfast and relaxed a bit on our lawn chairs before breaking down camp and hitting the road back home. It was a fun time that I'm sure we'll all remember.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Mayah is such a cute older sister to Ava!