Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The kind of person I would like to be...

Does it bother other parents when your kids friends won't say what they want when you are around. Or does this only happen with me? Mayah has several friends that Clint and I find just a little awkward around, and they sometimes come off as sneaky. The constant whispers in corners and the back seat of the car, tends to make me wonder what is being said.

About a month ago I took Mayah and a friend to the movies, now you need to understand that this girl is one that Mayah considers to be her "best friend". As we are driving to drop off her friend I hear some whispering from this little girl to Mayah, I can't quite make out what is being said and Mayah doesn't seem to be responding to it either. I hear Mayah ask questions about whether her friend likes American Idol or Hannah Montana. Her friend quickly responds and then more whispers. Now as a mother you have wonder if this is something you should ask your child about or just leave it alone. What do you do?

Well I couldn't leave it alone, so I went with the first option. Immediately Mayah begins to cry and replies, "I don't want to tell you!" I figure if she is crying, this can not be good! This conversation of me trying to convince her to tell me goes on for quite a bit. The more I ask the harder she cries and resists. I ask her how it made her feel when her friend told her whatever this secret is.. she answers "not good". I am now past the point where it is an option for her to tell me! I figured it had to be something really really horrible, and I had to know! I tell Mayah that I am not going to allow her to hang out with this little girl anymore, which I thought would be very upsetting to Mayah, seeing as how this is the girl that she is best friends with. Mayah then tells me "That's fine, I have other friends." I was shocked to say the least. In the end I get it out of her, and it turns out to be no big deal... but the reason I am telling you about this is after all of the crying stops, I ask Mayah why she was willing to give up being "best friends" just to keep that a secret. Mayah told me that she doesn't want to play with this girl anymore, because she has other friends and this girl "chooses the wrong"!

I was so proud of her! Now in case you missed what it was that made me so proud, I am going to share it with you... I was never that strong of a person spiritually, and I would have made up excuses for my friend and ignored the bad feeling that I may have had from what was said just to save a friendship. But Mayah recognized that feeling and was not willing to compromise her spiritual well-being, and knew that she would be fine in the end because she had other friends that did not make her feel sad inside. Even at 6 years old she felt it was important to keep only friends that uplift her and make her feel good. I hope and pray that she continues to keep up that strong self-confidence and integrity even when she is 16. I think if I had only been that strong when I was younger I may have chosen some easier pathways and saved myself from the long road. It is important the kind of friends you choose, because they do affect the choices you will make. Mayah has always been such a good example to me. Thank you Mayah, I love you so much!


Thurston said...

I too am so proud of mayah! she makes me proud!

Kris &Tiersa LeSueur said...

WOW what a life lesson. I 100 percent agree with you. Growing up your friends play a big role in the choices you make. And although you and I had some crazy times, I think in the end we were good for each other. I knew I could always rely on you and that was important to me. I hope you feel the same way!